
News &

Our hub of knowledge and expertise!

Brain in Light Bulb


News &

Our hub of knowledge and expertise!

Brain in Light Bulb


We’re excited to share our latest news and press insights and expertise from various corners of the web.

Below, you’ll find a collection of articles and resources where our team has contributed their knowledge. These external links offer a deeper dive, covering a wide range of topics. Whether you’re interested in technology trends, business strategy, or the latest in data and predictive analytics, you’ll find valuable insights within these articles.

Unlocking Predictive Intelligence with Large Language Models

23 January, 2024

Research Live

Enhancing ethical marketing by advancing consumer behaviour prediction

17 October, 2023


UK retail challenges for 2024: Predyktable reveals nine pivotal challenges and strategic priorities for 2024

20 November, 2023

Retail Times

‘Triple data whammy’ leaving UK retailers in the dark

1 August, 2023

Decision Marketing

How the high street gains from advanced data analytics

26 July, 2023

Retail c-suite lacks advanced data analytics capabilities to enhance decision-making, Predyktable research shows

21 July, 2023

Retail Times

Why UK Retail professionals need advanced data analytics to enhance decision making

24 July, 2023


Predyktable looks to differentiate in Retail through Prescriptive analytics

31 July, 2023

Tech Market View

Retail to embrace more ethical and inclusive marketing by better predicting consumer behaviour.

6 October, 2023

Retail Times

The State of Retail 2024: AI Everywhere – in the store, online and in the supply chain

12 December, 2023

P3 Logistic Parks

How is AI changing retail?

“It’s nearly impossible to have a meeting these days without discussing the impact of AI on the shopping experience. Talking with hundreds of retailers over the last few months…”

UK Advertising’s Talent Shortage Needs Government Help

“The UK’s advertising and marketing industry is facing a significant talent shortage, particularly in data and digital skills…”

Employment in marketing and advertising has fallen 14% in three years

“The Advertising Association has warned the marketing industry that it needs to “stem talent loss and attract new people”, as a new report reveals…”

Why This Ugly Duckling of Marketing Might Just Save Your Business

“Despite their popularity in pre-pandemic days, predictive analytics is crucial to your marketing strategy. In this article, we’ll dig into predictive analytics: what it does, why it works now…”

Job title inflation in marketing on
the rise

“Research shows that job titles, such as VP of marketing and CMO, are being listed with limited experience requirements as firms look to attract and retain talent in a competitive jobs market.”

How to develop a data-driven marketing strategy

“Against an increasingly competitive digital landscape, data is key to giving brands an edge, unlocking crucial customer insights in real time.”

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