

Got Questions? We
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Got Questions? We
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With greater insight comes greater power

Predyktable’s predictive analytics let you strategically plan for demand, increase profitability and optimise your operations. In times of economic uncertainty, the improved accuracy generated by this bigger picture overview makes all the difference. Want to know more? See our FAQ’s below or contact us to speak with our experts today.

What is Predyktable?

Predyktable is a leading provider of predictive demand forecasting and planning solutions that help complex businesses make data-driven decisions to optimise operations, improve efficiency, and drive growth. We harness the power of our external data sets and machine learning to help businesses reduce costs and maximise profits.

What are your products?

Our products enable you to minimise and mitigate future risks:

  • Predykt Maintenance: Understand customer needs and market trends
  • Predykt Inventory: Prepare for supply and demand issues
  • Predykt Workforce: Ensure you have right team in the right place at the right time
Why do I need demand forecasting now?

In today’s complex and uncertain business landscape, characterised by data abundance, rapid technological advancements, and intensified competition, the need to adopt demand forecasting is more urgent than ever. Failing to act now means falling behind in the race for data- driven decision-making, competitive advantage, and cost efficiency. With the exponential growth of data, predictive analytics empowers businesses to extract meaningful insights and navigate through the complexity.

By embracing this technology now, you can harness the power of data, gain a competitive edge, and drive innovation. Delaying your adoption risks putting you at a disadvantage against competitors.

How does Predyktable’s predictive analytics work?

Our predictive analytics leverage advanced machine learning algorithms to analyse historical data sets, market trends, and external factors including economic, environmental, demographic, and social factors, our models combine these signals with your historical data to provide tailored recommendations. This analysis generates highly accurate demand forecasts tailored to each client’s specific needs.

What industries does Predyktable serve?

Predyktable serves complex businesses that have complex data. Our primary industries are Retail, Hospitality, Food service, and Facilities management.

What are the benefits of using Predyktable and what makes you different to competitors?
  1. Self-Learning Models: Our AI models automatically retrain with new data, ensuring continuous accuracy and minimal manual intervention.
  2. Collective Learning: Our platform anonymises and shares learnings across clients, continuously improving demand forecasts for everyone.
  3. Behavioural Contextual AI Engine: We don’t just predict demand; we understand why. Our engine leverages the latest LLM (Large Language Model) technology to provide context-rich insights specific to your business.
  4. Extensive private & public external data: Our team of researchers meticulously catalogue hard-to-find behavioural data including regional school holidays and localised events alongside traditional data points like weather and economic factors. This allows us to predict consumer behaviour at an unmatched level of granularity.
  5. Expert AI Consultancy: Our team of AI consultants becomes an extension of your team, guiding you on maximising value, navigating regulations, and making confident decisions based on our data insights.
What is the benefit of a managed service?

Predyktable offers comprehensive support, including initial setup, ongoing training, technical assistance, and a dedicated customer success team.

Managed services provide customised solutions tailored to your business needs, expert support for troubleshooting and maintenance, scalability, flexibility, and reduced IT burden. They also ensure continuous improvements, security, data privacy, and regulatory compliance.

What models do you provide? / How does it work?

After understanding the business problem at hand, we pick the model that is right for your use from a suite of machine learning models. These might include classical time series models, tree-based ensemble models and neural networks. We also employ diverse techniques to add features to these models. These might include techniques like categorical encodings using neural networks or finetuned Large Language Models tailored to use text data from both your own databases and from external events.

We already have an internal team that does our demand planning/forecasting, why do I need Predyktable?

Our solution will become an extension of your team. As a predictive analytics company, Predyktable offers unique advantages that can complement and enhance your existing demand planning and forecasting. While internal teams often rely on historical data, we focus on forward planning and predicting future trends. We use diverse external data and cutting-edge AI/ML techniques to significantly improve forecast accuracy.

If you’re not fully satisfied with your current forecasts, we can help, providing up to a 25% improvement in demand accuracy. Our models are powered by proprietary data sets and shared learning from our client base, enhancing reliability. We aim to complement, not replace, your internal team, allowing them to focus on strategic tasks while we boost forecast precision. Partnering with Predyktable elevates your forecasting capabilities, leading to better-informed decisions and improved business outcomes.

We are not currently set up/ready for AI and machine learning in our company, why do I
need Predyktable now?

Predyktable is here to help businesses of all stages and technology maturity levels harness the power of AI and machine learning, even if you’re not currently set up for it. We’ve supported companies across various stages of technology adoption, so whether you’re just starting or looking to advance your capabilities, we’ve got you covered. With our team of experienced data scientists and AI experts, you don’t need internal expertise to get started. We’ll work with you to demystify how to extract value from your data and offer a free evaluation to determine your readiness and what steps you need to take. Our consultation services can guide you on adopting AI in your business, and our multi-phased approach ensures a smooth transition from not being ready to fully embracing AI-driven solutions. Let us help you unlock the potential of AI and machine learning for your business.

Book a free of charge evaluation to let you know if you are ready/what you need to do to get there.

Is my company too unique/specialised for Predyktable?

We make customisable and bespoke models and solutions for each client. We excel at working with highly specialised, multi-faceted businesses, embracing their unique characteristics.

Our expertise lies in handling complex forecasting, and we collaborate closely with you to create a tailored solution that perfectly fits your needs. If you still have doubts, we offer a free evaluation and demo. Book yours today! https://predyktable.ai/contact/

Are you a SaaS company?

Predyktable is not a SaaS company. We focus on providing tailored solutions for businesses with unique and intricate needs. Our strength is in complex forecasting, and we partner with you throughout the process to develop a bespoke solution that meets your specific requirements. If you still have doubts, we offer a free evaluation and demo. Book yours today! https://predyktable.ai/contact/

What are the benefits for my company if my forecasting accuracy is already high?

Predyktable’s demand forecasts are highly accurate, thanks to advanced machine learning algorithms and the integration of external data sources. Even if your current forecasting accuracy is high, our solutions offer additional benefits by providing more granular insights. For example, while long-term (12-month) forecasts might appear accurate on a macro level, inter-week forecasts can reveal critical fluctuations and trends that impact short-term decision-making. By zooming in, we help you identify and respond to nuanced market shifts, optimise inventory levels, and improve operational efficiency.

How do you measure the success of your models?

We measure the success of our models by comparing our forecasts against actual outcomes and evaluating the difference with our clients’ existing forecasts. This comparison helps demonstrate the accuracy and financial return on investment (ROI) of our models. By improving key business metrics such as revenue, cost efficiency, and customer satisfaction, we ensure our models provide significant value. Additionally, positive user feedback and high adoption rates are key indicators of our success.

How do you keep the forecasts up-to-date?

Our AI models automatically retrain with new data, ensuring continuous accuracy and minimal manual intervention. We monitor metrics like predictive accuracy and optimisation effectiveness, updating our models regularly to maintain their relevance and effectiveness.

How long does it take to see results with Predyktable?

The timeframe to see results with Predyktable can vary depending on the specific implementation and business context. However, many clients experience tangible benefits shortly after implementation.

Can Predyktable integrate with existing systems?

Yes, Predyktable can easily integrate with your existing systems. Whether you have a centralised cloud Data Lake, or disparate 3rd party systems, we can connect and extract data for our predictive models. Our solution will become an extension of your team.

Does my data need to be clean/ centralised (are you a data platform)?

In short, no! If you have data, we can work with it even if it stored across different platforms and in different formats. As a predictive demand forecasting company, our primary focus is providing actionable insights and recommendations to our clients based on external data sources augmented with our client’s own data. While we understand the importance of data management and organisation, our core expertise lies in leveraging advanced analytics techniques to extract valuable insights and prescribe optimal courses of action.

How much does Predyktable cost?

The cost of Predyktable’s services varies depending on factors such as the size of the business, the scope of implementation, and the specific needs of the client. Please contact us for a free customised evaluation and quote based on your requirements.

Where are you located?

Predyktable are a remote working, UK based company that offers their services nationwide as well as overseas. We also have a subsidiary company, Predyktable Inc. In the US.

Can I see a demo?

Yes, we offer a free evaluation and demo. https://predyktable.ai/contact/ Book yours in today!

How is Predyktable hosted?

We are hosted entirely on Google Cloud Platform.

Where is my data stored?

Our architecture allows for separate infrastructure stack for each client, and that can be hosted in any of the Google Cloud regions. We primarily work in the Belgium and London locations.

How can you guarantee data security?

Our platform is designed and built following the best practices for security and compliance from Google themselves. Each Client runs on an isolated environment to ensure no possible data leaks.

How are you compliant with GDPR?

Our Predictive models are built to work without any PII data from your systems. In the event there’s a concern that your use case might require PII, we’ll work with you to ensure the data is suitably transformed and anonymised before it is sent to our platform.

What security certificates do you have?

We are currently in the process of being certified as ISO 27001:2022 compliant.

Have more questions?

Contact us to speak with our experts today.

Let's work together

Whatever your size, we deliver actionable foresight faster, without complexity and compromise.

Why not get in touch with us today and let’s talk about tomorrow.

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