Our Platform

Your data,
our artificial intelligence

Our models are up to 20% more accurate than traditional demand forecasting.

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Our Platform

Your data,
our artificial intelligence

Our models are up to 20% more accurate than traditional demand forecasting.

Book a demo

Your historical data is just the tip of the iceberg.

Beneath the water, our data sources run deep. The Predykt Demand Intelligence Platform links to an extensive array of external data sources including economic, environmental, demographic, and social factors, to predict what people will buy.

Predykt Demand Intelligence Platform

The Predykt Demand Intelligence Platform is where your data meets ours. We plug myriad data streams into our AI-powered Predykt Demand Analyser to accurately predict your demand. That insight is used to plan your inventory, staffing, and maintenance requirements.

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Let's work together

Whatever your size, we deliver actionable foresight faster, without complexity and compromise.

Why not get in touch with us today and let’s talk about tomorrow.

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